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Siviter, H. et al. (2023) Wild bees are exposed to low levels of pesticides in urban grasslands and community gardens. Sci. Total Environ. 858, 159839.

Siviter, H., Linguadoca, A., Ippolito, A. & Muth, F (2023) Pesticide licensing in the EU and protecting pollinators. Curr. Biol. 33, R44–R48

Siviter, H. et al (2023) Protecting pollinators and our food supply: understanding and managing threats to pollinator health. Insectes Soc. 70, 5–16.

Siviter, H. & Muth, F (2022) Exposure to the novel insecticide flupyradifurone impairs bumblebee feeding motivation, learning, and memory retention. Environ. Pollut. 307, 119575

Siviter, H., Matthews, A. J. & Brown, M. J. F (2022) A combined LD50 for agrochemicals and pathogens in bumblebees (Bombus terrestris [Hymenoptera: Apidae]). Environ. Entomol. 51, 378–384


Siviter H, Richman SK & Muth F (2021) Field‐realistic neonicotinoid exposure has sub‐lethal effects on non‐Apis bees: A meta‐analysis. Ecology Letters, 24, 2586–2597.

Siviter H, Johnson AK & Muth F (2021) Bumblebees exposed to a neonicotinoid pesticide make suboptimal foraging decisions. Environmental Entomology, 50, 1299–1303.

Siviter H, Bailes EJ, Martin CD, Oliver TR, Koricheva J, Leadbeater E & Brown MJF (2021) Agrochemicals interact synergistically to increase bee mortality. Nature, 596, 389–392.

Fisher A. & 14 Signatories (2021) Protect pollinators-reform pesticide regulations. Nature Correspondence. 595, 172.

Siviter, H & Muth F (2020) Do novel insecticides pose a threat to beneficial insects? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 287, 20201265.


Siviter H, Folly AJ, Brown MJF & Leadbeater E (2020) Individual and combined impacts of sulfoxaflor and Nosema bombi on bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) larval growth. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 287, 20200935.

Siviter H, Horner J, Brown MJF & Leadbeater E (2020) Sulfoxaflor exposure reduces egg laying in bumblebees Bombus terrestris. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57(1), 160–169.

Siviter H, Scott A, Pasquier G, Pull CD, Brown MJF & Leadbeater E (2019) No evidence for negative impacts of acute sulfoxaflor exposure on bee olfactory conditioning or working memory. PeerJ, 7, e7208.


Siviter H, Deeming DC & Wilkinson A (2019) Egg incubation temperature influences the growth and foraging behaviour of juvenile lizards. Behavioural Processes, 165, 9–13.

Faraut L, Siviter H, Pesco FD & Fischer J (2019) How life in a tolerant society affects the usage of grunts: evidence from female and male Guinea baboons. Animal Behaviour, 153, 83–93.

Siviter H, Brown MJF, Leadbeater E (2018) Sulfoxaflor exposure reduces bumblebee reproductive success. Nature 561, 109-112.


Siviter H, Koricheva J, Brown MJF, Leadbeater E (2018) Quantifying the impact of pesticides on learning and memory in bees. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55, 2812-2821.

Siviter H, Deeming DC, Van Giezen MFT, Wilkinson A (2017) Incubation environment impacts the social cognition of adult lizards. Royal Society Open Science, 4, 170742.

Siviter H, Deeming DC, Rosenberger J, Burman OH, Moszuti SA and Wilkinson A (2017) The impact of egg incubation temperature on the personality of oviparous reptiles. Animal Cognition, 20, 109-116.

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